Minggu, 22 Agustus 2010

Video- week 2/Grade 10

Week 2

In this video i played A major scale because the teacher told me that i need to practice it more, because i played that scale badly at the lesson and it is not fluent. So i practiced it with the contrary. I also played my song for my next assessment, sonate in G by Haydn. However, my play for that song is not really fluent too and there's also mistakes. So i need to practice it more

In this video below, i also played my A major scale and my song for the assessment in September. I played the A major scale quite well but not for the song. Mr Herry told me that i need to play it more smoothly and richer like in churches. Because this song is dedicated for God. Maybe u will listened to songs in youtube of chuuches and try to listened to Sonate in G by Haydn if there is any, to improve my dinamic. I also need to practice it more for further fluency.

2 komentar:

  1. Checked...
    Please check also the spelling on your words..
    (chuuches...may be churches?)

  2. 29 Aug: awaiting your update and video upload..
