Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Music Reflection October'09

6/10/09, Tuesday
Today in music theory class we read and discuss our assessment and tasks to do in term 2. We then also given a traditional song of Indonesia and were ask to learn it. After that Mr Herry gave us an example of a melody, Ode to Joy and told us to follow the same pattern/form of music for our composition that we are going to make. When i finishes my work Mr. Herry then check it and sign it. Some of our friends work were sang and showed in front by Mr. Herry then we go to our practical class. In practical class we played our composition and our homework was to find the chords that fits to our composition.

8/10/09, Thursday
Today Mr. Herry checked our homeworks of finale and also our composition. After that we practice the traditional song that is "Gundul-gundul Pacul" we had and did a performance in front of class by groups, our instrumental member, but before that we did some practice on our vocal and it was kind of hard because i cant remember the notes.
In practical class we were told about the variations for our composition and were told to make the 32 bars of composition for our assessment task later on. Some of us practiced the 16 bar composition while some of us is doing our 32 bars. I did not have the chance to practice it but manage to do halve of the composition and i will practice the composition at home.

13/10/2009, Tuesday

Today in theory class, some of our friends are continuing with their 32 bars melody HW's because most of them didn't finish it as their homework, so mr Herry let them to continue while he is checking. After that some of the compositions of my piano's friends were chosen by Mr.Herry to play in the piano and then he checked our work.
In the piano class, we played our own melody mine was with a broken chord on the left hand and then i also fixed some melody because there is no stopping. After that mr. Herry gave me some chords for my composition.

15/10/09, Thrushday

Today in our theory class we did some theory notes, we did g anf f cledd edger lines and did some quiz on it. I got 5 of them wrong because i didnt count the notes and i guess some. After that we sang and practice La Bamba which was really hard to pronounce so i need to practice it more and Gundul Gundul Pacul then we hand in our music composition of 32 bars.
In practical class i didn't got to practice because of the time so i just practice on my own with my right hand since mr Herry haven't check my chords.

20/10/09, Tuesday

Today we did our singing assessment in singing Gundul Gundul Pacul by pairs, boy and girl according to the attendance. Then we copy our composition to a draft sheet and put the lyrics too. After that we practice La Bamba again i could do it better this time and What a Wonderful World which was slow and kind of boring for me but in a way it is quite nice too. We were told then that in Thurshday there will be an assesment on the Western song which was La Bamba and What a wonderful world and were told that we have to pick one of them. I will choose La Bamba because i like it better so i need to practice on it more. When it is practical time i practice my composition slowly and i need to practice it more. We practice our compositions and made some chords for the bar. Mr. Herry told me to ask Karina to help but she was busy so i will made some more chords on my own as my HW. Mr Herry also change some of the notes in my composition which sounds not right.

22/10/09, Thrushday

Today, before we did our assessment we practice our songs again and there were guests coming so we greeted them. After practicing we did our assessment by duo and we can choose our partner. As planned i choose my song, La Bamba and sang it with Karina M. After singing and did our assessment we did our reflection on the task. Last, mr Herry told us about the finale work/HW which we have to do.
In the practical class Mr Herry change some of the notes in my composition which sounds not right. So we practice only the right hand with the chords which is not finish and not right so tomorrow at snack time i need to go Mr Herry again to ask for help for the chords.

27/10/09, Tuesday

Today we discussed about our assesment task which are the compositions, that we are focusing on our compositions. We also discussed about why we have to practice singging first before composing it, it is to have a basic knowledge on songs and its sounds. Then Mr Herry teaches us more on how to put lyrics on finale and our midi HW. I was done with the finale but not yet with the lyrics so i need to put the lyrics but my finale software have not been authorized and i don't know how to do it so at lunch tomorrow i need to bring my laptop and the cd to ask for help.
In practical i changed some of my chord and notes, and then i play my composition and photocopy my draft composition, next time i need to update my finale and practice my composition more with the chords properly.

29/10/09, Thurshday
In theory class we discuss and hand in our midis, and our finale composition. After that we learn more about chords, major 7 and inversions then did some practice. Then we watch the performance of some of our friends. We were also given HW about chords, major 7 and ita inversions and were told that in the next lesson/class we will have to do a reahearsal one by one.
In practical class i practice my composition i was quite wrong in my tempo and i need to practice more also got to stop when changing chords. I also changed the way i play my left hand.