Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Music Reflection: December'09

1/12/09, Tuesday
Today we learn about the Kodaly signs again and we practice it together. After we get its basics the teacher gave us a new song to learn which is London Bridge. We practice the song with Kodaly sign, with two hands which was quite hard. We practice it again and again with Mr. John and Mr Herry than we did it one by one from do-do. After we gets the notes and the signs and we remember it the teacher called us by pairs to perform it in class. Next time i need to perform it better.
In practical we practice our songs and one scale which was E minor harmonic scale and then when i play my composition he gave me some advice for the ending so it will be more variative. After that we did some hearing quizz in 4 bars and the the teacher, Mr Herry repeated it for 4 times and when we exhange our works to be corrected i got the notes and the beats correctly and i was happy and i feel that i have an improvement but i need to practice more on my hearing skills since i cannot catch the notes quickly.

3 Dec'09, Thurshday.
Today Mr herry checked our HW which was the finales and the development program that we need to do in our holidays, to make sure that everybody have send him the email. I gave my development program earlier so i got and extra mark on it. Then he gave us our theory assesment and i got a full mark which was 40 out of 40 and i was really happy that i didnt do silly mistakes which i likely did. After that Mr Herry told us to do the rehearsal which was started with the Guitar, Violin, Piano and Flute which was decided by playing "gamsuit" so it'll be fair for everyone. I was the 3rd to play in the piano group and because of the time that was not enough so i didnt get to play it which was lucky since i am not really good at playing the scales so i need to practice on the scales much often. Since because it was near the exam we didnt have any practical lessons and was doing just rehearsal. When we rehearse mr John and Mr Hary watched over us, and Mr Herry told us that in the next lesson which was on Thurshday we will gave us our overall score except from our semester exam that will be added after we did the exam.

Kamis, 12 November 2009

Music Reflection, November'09

3/11/09, Tuesday
Today in theory class Mr Herrry checked our projects that is our finales, and our midis, some of our friends havent handed it in and were told to handed it in by the latest thurshday. After thatw e hand in our chords Hw and then we discuss it one by one together on the white board. Then we did some guessing on songs and were told to do HW that is to update the blogs. Next week we shoould rehearse our compoctions since today we didnt have the time too and so the assessment will be changed to next week and we need to practice our compositions more.
In practical class we played our compositions in a rehearsal was, after we play each of us should gave a comment to the melody that she played. My comment for Viena is that her melody is the best, for Vica is that she played well, my comment for Jacintha is that her melody is cheerful and she played it fluently, for Karina is that her composition sounds great, touchy and have a lot variation which was nice, for Min Ji is that she need to practice more on it. Their comment for me is that o need to practice more and i need to stop at a time when playing the melody.

5/11/09, Thurshday
Today we wrote our final writting on our composition, on the paper one. Then we were told that the piano students and the violin/cello would have a sudden practical assesment but we were given a bonus point for that. I played it quite well but i did 3-4 mistakes because at first when i played i didn't focues and i did a mistake on my tempo and when doing it i think i did 3 mistakes. We did the two whole session in doing the assesment so we did not have a practical lesson.

10/11/09, Tuesday
Today Mr. Herry check our finale work again, to make sure everyone has submited it, after that Mr. Herry gave the students who are going to do the assesment some practice time for 10 min in their classrooms. Because the piano and the violin/cellos students have already done with their assesments so we watch our assesment videos and we reflect our play. Then the assesment started with Min Ji playing then tha flute lastly the guitar, because there are alot of students we did not have any practical lessons again. And i need to open teoria.com for my theory test.

12/11/09, Thurshday
In theory class today, Mr Herry told us about the assesment practical test that we have to do for our term test that it would practical test. After that he told us about our score one by one and i got 8. I was not really satisfied with it but its okay since i pass the test. Then he disturbuted our HW last time and i got B plus which was not satisfying and depressing after that he discussed about the major 7 more and also minor 7 which was C, G, D, A, E, B, a, e, b, f sharp, c sharp, and last g sharp. In practical class we did some solfeggio four times and i was really bad at it so i need to improve after that i play an A minor harmonic and it was hard even though it was the easiest among the other cleffs so i need to improve on my basic practices.

17/11/09, Tuesday
Today we did our theory quiz which is also our theory assesment but mr. Herry gave us thurshday for a make up test if we did it horribly and choose the best score to be put on our report card. Before we did the assesment he gave us some time to review and also mr. Herry open teoria.com and gave us time to review it by looking at the chords for a few minutes. When we are doing the test he gave us some clues regarding the dominant chords and the sharps and notes. So that we check it again and we now how to do it. After we did our theory assesment he check the 4 first student works and i was one of them he told the class that i got all correct for the scales but i got 4 wrongs on the history of music which was depressing and i will study more for thurshday and review my mistakes so that i will got a perfect score and that it my goal because it was some how depressing to get 4 mistakes on my assesment. Then he showed us our blog updates record and discussed about the blog that some of us really need to update it and he didnt have the chance to check all of our blogs so they need to update it quickly.
In instrument/practical class we play minor harmonic again which was a and b minor harmonic. and it was hard i need topractice on it more.

19/11/09, Thurshday
Today we did our last theory assesment again and it was kind of easy because i study it before and have review my mistakes and the music history in the test i already did my reflection regarding the test too. It was also easy because most of them are repeating the last test so the questions was almost the same excpet there was more invesions questions which i need to focus on and check the mistakes if i make some. So i can do it and i was quite confidence on it too.
In instrument/practical class we played our minor harmonic again and i tried to play e minor harmonic which was really hard and i need to play it really slowly. Since there are a lot of minor harmonic scales i ask mr Herry to limit my scales when in the assesment since i was bad at playing it so he limit it into a, b , and e scales so those are the scales that i need to master for my practical exam later on. We havent practice our composition songs again but we need to memorize it so at home i need to practice it alone and try to memorize my own song. I also need to master the 3 minor harmonic scales if i want to have a good mark on my music exam on December.

24/11/09, Tuesday.
Today we learn about the Kodaly sign which is a hand signature of notes, do,re,mi, fa, so, la, si, do. We practice it together from do-do starting it slowly, one by one then we practice it per group. Then he gave us a song Good Morning to be learnt by the Kodaly sign and we have to use two of our hands, then after some practice we have to perform it infront of a group with someone checking our signs. I did quite badly so i need to practice it more.
Then in practical class, we heard the people perform their recital songs for tomorrow it was kind of like a rehearsal for them. It started with Sonya, Karina and then Jacintha then i hear Victoria playing her composition for our exam in December then Viena after that i played my composition and Mr. Herry gave me some more comments on how to improve it. He told me to add more variation where i can kind of stop in the song and took some more tempo and so the melody would be more nice to hear, so i need to work on that and i have to memories my melody for the exam later on.
26/11/09, Thurshday.
We have parent teacher conference today so we didnt have any lessons

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2009

Music Reflection October'09

6/10/09, Tuesday
Today in music theory class we read and discuss our assessment and tasks to do in term 2. We then also given a traditional song of Indonesia and were ask to learn it. After that Mr Herry gave us an example of a melody, Ode to Joy and told us to follow the same pattern/form of music for our composition that we are going to make. When i finishes my work Mr. Herry then check it and sign it. Some of our friends work were sang and showed in front by Mr. Herry then we go to our practical class. In practical class we played our composition and our homework was to find the chords that fits to our composition.

8/10/09, Thursday
Today Mr. Herry checked our homeworks of finale and also our composition. After that we practice the traditional song that is "Gundul-gundul Pacul" we had and did a performance in front of class by groups, our instrumental member, but before that we did some practice on our vocal and it was kind of hard because i cant remember the notes.
In practical class we were told about the variations for our composition and were told to make the 32 bars of composition for our assessment task later on. Some of us practiced the 16 bar composition while some of us is doing our 32 bars. I did not have the chance to practice it but manage to do halve of the composition and i will practice the composition at home.

13/10/2009, Tuesday

Today in theory class, some of our friends are continuing with their 32 bars melody HW's because most of them didn't finish it as their homework, so mr Herry let them to continue while he is checking. After that some of the compositions of my piano's friends were chosen by Mr.Herry to play in the piano and then he checked our work.
In the piano class, we played our own melody mine was with a broken chord on the left hand and then i also fixed some melody because there is no stopping. After that mr. Herry gave me some chords for my composition.

15/10/09, Thrushday

Today in our theory class we did some theory notes, we did g anf f cledd edger lines and did some quiz on it. I got 5 of them wrong because i didnt count the notes and i guess some. After that we sang and practice La Bamba which was really hard to pronounce so i need to practice it more and Gundul Gundul Pacul then we hand in our music composition of 32 bars.
In practical class i didn't got to practice because of the time so i just practice on my own with my right hand since mr Herry haven't check my chords.

20/10/09, Tuesday

Today we did our singing assessment in singing Gundul Gundul Pacul by pairs, boy and girl according to the attendance. Then we copy our composition to a draft sheet and put the lyrics too. After that we practice La Bamba again i could do it better this time and What a Wonderful World which was slow and kind of boring for me but in a way it is quite nice too. We were told then that in Thurshday there will be an assesment on the Western song which was La Bamba and What a wonderful world and were told that we have to pick one of them. I will choose La Bamba because i like it better so i need to practice on it more. When it is practical time i practice my composition slowly and i need to practice it more. We practice our compositions and made some chords for the bar. Mr. Herry told me to ask Karina to help but she was busy so i will made some more chords on my own as my HW. Mr Herry also change some of the notes in my composition which sounds not right.

22/10/09, Thrushday

Today, before we did our assessment we practice our songs again and there were guests coming so we greeted them. After practicing we did our assessment by duo and we can choose our partner. As planned i choose my song, La Bamba and sang it with Karina M. After singing and did our assessment we did our reflection on the task. Last, mr Herry told us about the finale work/HW which we have to do.
In the practical class Mr Herry change some of the notes in my composition which sounds not right. So we practice only the right hand with the chords which is not finish and not right so tomorrow at snack time i need to go Mr Herry again to ask for help for the chords.

27/10/09, Tuesday

Today we discussed about our assesment task which are the compositions, that we are focusing on our compositions. We also discussed about why we have to practice singging first before composing it, it is to have a basic knowledge on songs and its sounds. Then Mr Herry teaches us more on how to put lyrics on finale and our midi HW. I was done with the finale but not yet with the lyrics so i need to put the lyrics but my finale software have not been authorized and i don't know how to do it so at lunch tomorrow i need to bring my laptop and the cd to ask for help.
In practical i changed some of my chord and notes, and then i play my composition and photocopy my draft composition, next time i need to update my finale and practice my composition more with the chords properly.

29/10/09, Thurshday
In theory class we discuss and hand in our midis, and our finale composition. After that we learn more about chords, major 7 and inversions then did some practice. Then we watch the performance of some of our friends. We were also given HW about chords, major 7 and ita inversions and were told that in the next lesson/class we will have to do a reahearsal one by one.
In practical class i practice my composition i was quite wrong in my tempo and i need to practice more also got to stop when changing chords. I also changed the way i play my left hand.

Kamis, 10 September 2009

Music Reflection
3 Sept'09
Today we learn about scales in c,d,g,f major scales, the 7 septim also the 7 major. We then discusses and memorized the formula of major and minor scales. I was quite good at it since i have already learnt it. The we did some exercise/quiz regarding the scales. Mr Herry also told us, the one that can do a make up test, and i can. Then we heard Mr Rudy Wisny play the trumpet and French Horn. In the practical we just played our Sonatina's again and i repeat it twice. I should practice the 3 parts and do it better. I should also practice on my technique.

8 Sept'09
In theory class today, we were told about our scire and i got 6.5/8 for my classical biography and 8/8 for my pop biography then nervously i play my song again for my make up test. Mr Herry then told us about the portfolio/booklet we have to make and them i did my reflection on playing the song with listening to some of the guitar student's played their song for the make up test. After that we practice 'Indonesia Pusaka' song for our assesment next Thurshday and didn't get to have our practical class

10 Sept'09
Today we discussed about the assesment development booklet that is due on Monday about what we should do, some of us were being punished because they were chatting when the teacher were explaininung and waste some time so we didn't get to have practical class. After that we did our assesment that is singing 'Indonesia Pusaka' and i have to improve my breathing when singing, but i did quite well on the assesment.

Selasa, 01 September 2009

1 September 2009, Tuesday
Today we're having people's performances for their assesment score for the one that is absent last week and for the ones that haven't perfomed. After the performance we also discussed about the blog's and the reflection that we made and what we will have to do for term test about the portfolio and that we have to learn and sing "Indonesia Pusaka". Some of us did not perform so we just listen to them and did our reflection of what we learn today.
In practical we learn some chords that we wukk need to know when we're composing and playing our song(composition). At first we actually wanted to watch our last performance and did a reflection on that but because of some problems we just learn some piano skills from the teacher and listen to his comment about our performance in the assesment and he said that i can do a make up test if i wanted too. We then wrote the notes of the skills he told us in the music book and later on at home we have to practice it for the next class that is on Thurshday.

Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

Music Reflection

Today in music class we divided the class in groups. The Guitar group did some test so they dont have to move to woodwind but some did and we also did some sing together and practice the song of Michael Jackson that is Heal the World. In the first day we just did the dividion of groups so we didnt did anything in the practical.

Today we organize the class into gropus again for the final time and then we practice and perform the song( Heal the World) in theory class. And in practical time we play scales from c-b major then we need to play hanon number 8. I need to improve my skills on that especially my hand numbering.

In theory class, today we discuss and did some quizes on our HW of pop music and we did another practice on the song, Heal the World. In practical piano i practice the 7 chords of c major and wrote some scales and the 7 chords in our music books. I should improve my numbering skills.

Today we learn about cleds, bass cleff, etc. We also heard some trumpets song and its brief introduction on the trumpet. And today we also practice the 7 chord one by one but it is in d major and so it is harder than in c major because of the sharps. And I borrowed mr Herry's book of Sonatina to photocopy and choose my sonatina then I have to practice it.

Today we choose our composer of pop music to make a biography of them and also did some sharing of their musician pop. And in pratical i did the 7 chord in d major again and then played my Sonatina that I choose. That is sonatina no 1 because it is the easiest so i can play it better.

In theory we learn more about scales, minor natural and harmonic scales. Mr Herry did the scales on the board and asks the question to some of us. He also introduces the tempo and the beat/ryhthms. We also then sang "Hari Merdeka" and practice it and in practical we just practice our sonatina's one by one and I did it quite badly.

Today we discuss about the presentation that we should do that is a group presentation aboit classical VS popular music and did some notation to learn how to compose a song. In practical i practice my sonatina and i have to practice my hand numbering skills and memorize it.

Today we learn how to compose a song and we compose a song in the board together with the bear of 4/4. After that we then sang "Hari Merdeka" again infont of the class, that is divided by groups and then read the notes of "Berkirbarlah Benderaku" for the assembly/ceremony on Thurshday.
In practical as usual we just practice our sonatinas because we only got 2 week until the assesment.

Today we presentate our group presentation and the teacher's comment of our presentation are that the outline are good but need more pictures and need feedbacks also the contents are good so we got an A for that. And in practical as usual we practice our song/sonatina's and i have to make it faster.

Today we learn how to make a blog and we have to make it as our HW. After the presentation showing it i watched some people in the groups doing rehearsal of their songs. In practical we played our sonatina's and i have to becarefull of my tempo and the stacatto in the notes. We also did some hearing practices and mine was really bad i really need to practice on it more.

Today we did our assesment and i did it really badly because I was really scared and the note that was easy, I played it wrong the note that i can do it correctly become wrong when I played it in the assesment so I want a make up test! The one that can have it is when they're marks are below 6 and i think mine are below 6 because i did some major mistakes. Since the time is not enough and since it is assesment we didnt have any practicel lessons but I have to practice for the make up test.